Reef High Fiber Bread
Wheat flour, wheat bran, natural yeast, a little of sea salt
Improves blood health – High-fiber bread contains a group of important nutrients, such as iron, steel, magnesium, and vitamins, that improve blood health and increase your bloods red cells’ count.
High-fiber bread is rich in dietary fiber. Consumption of high-fiber bread may reduce the risk of certain health conditions and aid in weight loss. The grains deliver a variety of important nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, and other healthy plant compounds.
Other Features:
No Added Sugar, Preservatives free, Cholesterol free, Free of artificial flavor and colors, Free of trans fat, Dairy products free, Nuts free, Egg-free, Low Calories.
Great taste, Light on the stomach, Helps with weight loss, Suitable for everyone, Natural and Fresh smell.